Unity Tutorials


Worked on tutorials and a book for the Unity team at Kodeco (formerly raywenderlich.com). A summary of my work can be accessed here.

Book: Unity Apprentice

Role: Tech Editor
Published: 30 March, 2022
Brief: Learn how to build 3D games with the Unity game engine, while utilizing best-practice game development techniques.


Tutorial: Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Unity

Role: Tech Editor
Published: 8 December, 2021
Brief: Dive deeper into the world of asynchronous programming in Unity by creating a fun town-builder game.


Tutorial: Improving Game Visuals with Unity’s HDRP

Role: Tech Editor
Published: 2 November, 2021
Brief: Improve your game visuals and take them up by several notches using the High Definition Render Pipeline.


Tutorial: Using the Terrain Tools in Unity

Role: Tech Editor
Published: 13 October, 2021
Brief: Learn to create and manage a wide range of terrains in your apps by using Unity’s powerful Terrain Tools and the all new Terrain Toolbox API.
