Hello World!

I’m Srikar, a first year CS PhD student at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville focusing on dynamic networks and epidemics.

Here’s my full CV, and an expanded list of interests.


  • Aug 2024: Started as a CS PhD @ UVA!
  • Jan 2024:
    • A pre-print of my work on dynamics-informed GNNs is now on arXiv [2401.03390]
  • Oct 2023:
    • Attended my first UIST in San Francisco as a student volunteer between 29 Oct - 1 Nov, 2023.
    • My directed research work with Prof. Beerel was presented as a poster at the HADR workshop at ICCV’23 in Paris. This post covers it in a bit more detail.
    • Got featured on the SIGGRAPH member profile pages!
  • Aug 2023:
    • Started working as a Research Associate with the Srivastava Group, focusing on graph ML for epidemiology.
    • Attended my first SIGGRAPH (and their 50th) in Los Angeles between 6 - 10 Aug 2023. Surreal.
  • May 2023: Graduated with a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California!
  • Spring 2023:
    • Worked on agent based models for epidemiology under Prof. Srivastava
    • Continued work at the E2S2C group and the HaRVI lab
    • Worked as a course producer for the CS526 Mobile Games course with Prof. Easley
  • Fall 2022:
    • Joined the E2S2C group, focusing on synthetic data generation using Unreal Engine under Prof. Peter Beerel.
    • Worked on causal inference using graph spectra under Prof. Mitra
    • Worked as the course producer for the CS526 Mobile Games (Prof. Easley) and the CS420 Computer Graphics (Prof. Nealen) courses.
  • Summer 2022:
    • Joined the HaRVI Lab, focusing on haptic wearables for VR under Prof. Heather Culbertson.
    • Worked with the USC Credit Union with the Digital Experience team, auditing new membership accounts.
  • March 2022:
    • My tech-edited book, Unity Apprentice, got published!
  • Spring 2022:
    • Worked on point cloud denoising with graph signal processing under Prof. Ortega.
    • Worked on offline inference for ASL on video streams under Prof. Franzke.
  • January 2022:
    • Moved to Los Angeles, US to attend in-person at USC!
  • August 2021:
    • Started grad school (remotely) at the University of Southern California!
@TCS Work generally under NDA, but sharing a few highlights here:
  • Aug 2021: Leaving TCS after five wonderful years to pursue grad studies. Been quite a memorable period!
  • 2019: Won the Most Innovative Usecase Award from Adobe India at their Hackathon!
  • 2018: Published an article on Classical music in TCS' internal magazine (link).
  • 2017: Moved to the Immersive Technologies team, started work on AR/VR and games.
  • 2016:
    • November: Moved to Chennai and joined TCS offices there! Started work with the Big Data team.
    • August: Joined Tata Consultancy Services, started training at Trivandrum, Kerala.